Employee Management

Manpower ERP software is multi-purpose and it has the feature of providing employee management as well. Managing employee details and payroll system is a part of this software. Tracking the attendance of the employees, their pay amount, deductions, additions etc. are all a part of employee management. This helps in boosting more interest in the employees working for you.

Manage Employee

Employees are important for any business. To manage them we provide with this Manpower ERP. Our software uploads all the employee details and details for payroll in a secure manner. The attendance of the employees is tracked by the system. For an effective maintenance of payroll, exact pay package along with deduction, bonus, overtime etc. are managed with this software.


The attendances of the employee are important for calculating their salary. With the help of the Manpower ERP, you can track the actual attendance of the employee. This helps in giving the salaries to the employees at the right time without any errors. The software can go this way for months.


The salary of an employee depends on the number days of work and pay package. The Manpower ERP helps in employee payroll. The software helps in keeping the track of attendance, calculates the pay with all bonus, overtime and additions and deductions without any error. The employees get the right amount of salary on time.

SMS & Email Alert

The Manpower ERP software has a lot of features that makes it unique and efficient. Not only the software helps in maintaining the employee payroll but also sends them notification. The SMS and email alert is the feature that helps to inform the employees any information automatically when required without much effort.

Reports & Analytics's

Reports and Analytics's are important for every phase of business to know the status. In the employee management process also require the reports to find what is really going on. The software has the feature to generate reports when needed. The reports can also be customized according to the requirement.